We provide the best experiences while helping you build sustainable solutions and stable payment systems. Our Award Winning solution boosts transactions by 300%. Capable of handling millions of transactions a day.
Whether your need is an open-loop solution for e-money or a closed-loop solution for prepaid cards, we can enable it. Our payments self-care solution can enable clients to easily add money to their wallet from their bank account and manage it on a day to day basis. Workflows available for managing multiple accounts and cards.
Enable merchant services across Utility, Travel, Parking & Tolls, Goods shopping or any other, using our mobile shopping solutions. Various touch based and touch-free options along with our platform LEAP enable to create a contextual experience based on your clients needs. Security and ease of use considered while creating workflows.
Whether you are a Large financial institution or a fintech, we can help you engineer a payments gateway. Using a payment gateway to securely process integrated payments can reduce errors, speed up transaction processing, and ease reconciliation.
Provide your clients with a seamless P2P transfer and remittance experience. Solution includes self-care app and portal for your clients.
Our mobile coupon solution allows you to roll out offers quickly. The coupon could be shared through an app on the phone or could be sent via message. Our merchant solutions seamlessly enable the merchant side transactions.